In many (mostly old) games, players prefer not only to follow the the rules of the game, but also to win back the role.Our site will allow you to collect allthe characters in one place, and again revive the old feelings in disputes with the oldfriends.

Sign up on the site through social networks or by using email. After go to the profile, and click the Create virtual. After creating several characters, theircan be changed in the upper menu & nbsp; that the character is checked for uniqueness by transliterated name,reduced to lowercase.

You can create more than one character, but it is implied that each of the The characters are an independent role for the player.You can hide the character's ownerthrough the settings, checking the 'Account hidden' checkbox.

Click the Our Projects link, select the right project, and open the link with the right chat. Connect to the chat.

Click the Our Players link and select a list of characters, or use a search.When selecting a character, you canwrite him a private message by going to his page.

Write a private message Admin , or fill out the Contact Form , or contact the Technical support .

On our server the rating of Dragon Galaxy games based on the Orionera: To participate in the rating, the character must be confirmedadministration (contact for more details with Admin, or fill out the Contact Form). In addition, the specified character must be marked in the Orionera listas the main.

It is recommended to use names consisting only of letters. Not very it is recommended to create characters that are consonant or similar to the charactersother players.The player can confirm the right to own a specificthe character's name through the administration. The character can be the administration renamed without explanation.

Perhaps you do not have enough karma (each new message takes one karma). Immediately after registration, your karma equals 0, and replenishes with daily visits to 10 units (and also replenished with some other user actions). In addition, other players can share karma or the site administration, which can be contacted through Contact form.